Tuesday, July 12, 2005

This Is It

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. Ps 68:5-6

January 15, 2005
We went to an informational seminar on international adoption at EAC. We were intrigued by the couple that just brought home twins from Russia- a boy and a girl! But we didn't like EAC much. I took the information home and started doing some research on the internet. But nothing happened.

April 16, 2005
Went to the Steven Curtis Chapman "All Things New" concert. The whole thing was about adoption. They have adopted 3 little girls from China. His websites http://www.stevencurtischapman.com/

June 2, 2005
We found out some friends that adopted before were going to adopt again from China. I checked out another agency AGCI. We went to another informational seminar. We liked this agency a lot better. We talked to a couple that just brought home a little girl from Guatemala. Our friends are using a different agency.

July 4, 2005
I am sick with the flu but we decide to tell our families we are thinking about adopting an orphan from another country and that it will be very expensive. They are surprised and happy. I went back to bed for 2 days.

July 12, 2005
We can't decide on a country. I've just finished the book "Lost Daughters of China". I want a little girl from China. We even have a name picked out- Rachel. DH is not so sure. I convince him to apply anyway. I called the agency today and paid the $195 application fee. I say "China" when they ask me what country but I'm not sure. We can always change it. We're still not totally committed until we sign the contact and pay the agency fee.

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