Thursday, February 09, 2006

Slow Down

First the good news. We finished our homestudy last night. We don't have the official approval letter but we are basically approved by the state to be adoptive parents.

But we just learned last night that there has been a hold placed on Korean referrals. In January we were told that a referral would come very soon and we could have a baby placed in by summer. There are still many babies waiting to come home from 2005 because the Korean government stopped issuing passports early in the year. Now they are trying to get the waiting 2005 babies caught up and home. That means they are using up 2006 passports. Until this situation can be resolved, they don't want to put any more babies in the waiting line. So we are put on hold. There is really no way to know when things will open up again. I hope it doesn't last too long and we can get a referral soon.

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Phil 3:14

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